Native American Student Resources at UArizona
Arizona Nursing Inclusive Excellence
The purpose of the Arizona Nursing Inclusive Excellence (ANIE) program is to support students’ academic success during their program to ensure a more diversified nursing workforce.
American Indians into Medicine Program
The goal of the AZ INMED is to develop collaborative partnerships with tribal nations, K-12 school districts, community-tribal colleges, universities and health professional schools to recruit, support and encourage Native American students to enter and succeed in the health professions at the Arizona Health Sciences Centers located in both Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona (Colleges of Medicine, Pharmacy and Public Health).
Native SOAR (Student Outreach, Access and Resiliency)
Native SOAR provides culturally responsive student support services beginning in middle school all the way through doctoral education, creating a strong pipeline for Native scholars, educators, and practitioners.
O'odham Ki: Living Learning Community
This theme community provides a supportive living and learning environment for Native American students that affirms Native American cultural identity and emphasizes education, culture, empowerment, and community.
Native American Student Affairs (NASA)
Native American Student Affairs provides culturally-sensitive academic counseling and support services to Native students, enabling them to achieve academic excellence.