What you need to know:
Do you have plans to conduct research and or engage with Native or Indigenous communities? There are new requirements by the University of Arizona and the National Science Foundation, as well as minor changes to the Sponsored Projects submission process. Please see Procedures - Working with Native Nations and Indigenous Communities for details.
Tribal Consultation and UA Research/Engagement with Native Communities
Thursday March 27 @ 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Thomas W. Keating Bioresearch Building, Room 103 (1657 E. Helen St.)

Procedures - Working with Native Nations and Indigenous Communities
Learn more about the required steps you must take before research or engagement with Native Nations.

Required Consultation Policies
Read the official tribal consultation policies adopted by the Arizona Board of Regents, the University of Arizona, and the National Science Foundation.

Research Training and Resources
Get connected with on-campus resources, informative readings, and videos.

Arizona Tribal Profiles, Data and Research Policies
Learn more about the 22 federally recognized tribes in Arizona.

Research Database
Explore our Searchable Database of Sponsored Research & Engagement with Native Nations.