Research Database

Explore our Searchable Database of Sponsored Research & Engagement with Native Nations

In FY 2024, researchers at the University of Arizona actively engaged in more than 200 projects in Arizona and around the country that involved tribal communities. These projects ranged from the preservation of archaeological discoveries at the Arizona State Museum to numerous Cooperative Extension projects, among many others. 

***The database below provides the list of sponsored projects that were active in FY 2024. 

Please choose one filter at a time to view results. If using the 'Search Projects' filter, enter a keyword like COVID-19, Water, Health, Land, Education, etc. You can reset your search using the 'Reset' button.
Title College/Unit Sponsor Investigator Tribe(s) Status
Community Based Language and Literacy San Carlos 2023-2024 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) Arizona Early Childhood Development and Health Board Speirs, Katherine San Carlos Apache Tribe of the San Carlos Reservation, Arizona Active
Community-Engagement Research Alliance Against COVID-19 in Disproportionately Affected Communities College of Medicine (COM) Westat, Inc. Parthasarathy, Sairam Various Active
Community Health Needs Assessment College of Public Health Tucson Indian Center Ortiz y Pino, Kathryn Various Active
Comparative Morphosemantics of Plurality College of Social & Behavioral Sciences (SBS) National Science Foundation Henderson, Robert Pascua Yaqui Tribe of Arizona Active
Conduct Climate Change Impact Workshops to Develop Region-wide Baseline Assessment Approach College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) National Park Service Garfin, Gregg Southwest - various Active

UArizona Sponsored Projects Active Awards with Native Nations FY2024

Total Obligated Funding $239,144,392

(note: total award amount, not broken down by length of project)