Bojan Louis

Tribal Affiliation
Diné (Navajo Nation)
Assistant Professor, American Indian Studies

Modern Languages 432


BOJAN LOUIS (Diné) is the author of the poetry collection Currents (BkMk Press 2017), which received a 2018 American Book Award, and the nonfiction chapbook Troubleshooting Silence in Arizona (The Guillotine Series 2012). His fiction has appeared in EcotoneNuméro Cinq MagazineYellow Medicine Review, and Alaska Quarterly Review; nonfiction in Shapes of Native Nonfiction: Collected Essays by Contemporary Writers. Louis has been a resident at The MacDowell Colony and was the inaugural Virginia G. Piper Fellow-in-Residence at Arizona State University. He is an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing and American Indian Studies at the University of Arizona.

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