Research Training & Resources: Getting Started

Procedures - Working with Native Nations and Indigenous Communities

ABOR and University of Arizona Requirements


Do your activities require you to adhere to the following protocols? See: 


Learn the laws & policies of the Tribe with whom you want to work/engage. Click here to learn about the Federally Recognized Tribes in Arizona. If working with Tribes outside of Arizona, research their laws and policies. Additional resources include information on Tribal Research Policies compiled by the National Park Service, and the following: 


Read and follow the Required Consultation Policies.

Steps for Sponsored Projects Submission


On the Supplemental Information section of the UAccess Research Proposal, you must answer "Yes" if your activities fall under any of the categories in the checklist below: 


If "Yes," Sponsored Projects will route your proposal to the Native Peoples Technical Assistance Office for review and acknowledgement.


If you answer "Yes" to Native or Indigenous research and/or engagement, you must provide the official name of the Tribe(s) involved on the proposal. For an alphabetical list of Federally Recognized Tribes, see: 


The principal investigator or project director is required to collect & retain documentation of consultation* with approval or pending approval from the Native Nation. Keep documentation for your records.

 *Documentation of tribal approval can include letters or electronic communications of support or approval, tribal resolutions, contracts, permits, or other forms of agreement or evidence of consultation and approval.

Steps For Human Subjects Protection Program Submission


If your project falls under human research, the HSPP requires documentation of approval and additional information. You will be required to complete the Appendix for Native Americans and Indigenous Populations.