Dr. Roe B. Lewis Scholarship Application

1664 E. Florence Blvd. * Suite 4-434 * Casa Grande, AZ 85122
The Southwest Indian Agricultural Association, Inc. (SWIAA) is offering five annual scholarships. The scholarships are in memory of Dr. Roe B. Lewis in the amount of $2,000.00 each. All scholarships are available for undergraduate and/or graduate students. The purposes of the scholarships are first; to increase the knowledge and awareness of the importance of Indian agriculture and natural resources; and second, to assist Native American college students with their educational expenses.
To be eligible for a scholarship the applicant must meet the following requirements:
1. Must be enrolled in Agriculture or Natural Resources at an accredited vocational school, technical school, college, or university.
2. Application must be submitted with the following documents and received by March 4, 2022 (No Exception).
A. Proof of enrollment in a federally recognized band, nation or tribe.
B. 2.5 or greater grade point average (GPA) on a scale of 4.0 for first year undergraduate students; 3.0 or greater for all other applicants. (Must include an OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT)
C. Proof of registration for classes: Full-time student - 12 units; Part-time student - at least 6 units and working in a related field of agriculture or natural resources.
D. Two (2) written recommendations from teachers, counselors, council persons, etc. (no family members).
3. Consideration will be given only to an applicant who are members of a band, nation, or tribe that is represented through the “American Indian Organization” membership category of SWIAA, Inc.
The Scholarship winners will be chosen by the SWIAA Scholarship Selection Committee and will be judged on the above requirements. The scholarships will be awarded March 23, 2022, at the 34th Annual SWIAA Inc. Conference, Wild Horse Pass Hotel & Casino, Chandler AZ. The successful candidate(s) will be notified of the award and will be required to make a presentation at the SWIAA Conferences mentioned. SWIAA will cover the winner’s room and registration for the chosen conference, however, travel and non-conference meals will be the responsibility of the winner. We encourage the winner to discuss the additional expenses with their college, university or other sponsors as there are often additional funds available to cover these costs.
Send application to: Southwest Indian Agricultural Association, Inc.
1664 E. Florence Blvd Ste. 4-434
Casa Grande, Arizona 85122-4779
Email: www.swindianag.com (Preferred) or Contact Trent Teegerstrom tteegers@ag.arizona.edu