Tanya Lewis, Chairwoman |
Ricardo Pacheco, Vice Chairman |
Charlie Baca, Council Member |
Thomas Beauty, Council Member |
Genevieve Datsi, Council Member |
Jason Fullmer, Council Member |
David Kwail, Council Member |
Buddy Rocha, Jr., Council Member |
Siera Russell, Council Member |
(updated March 2025)
Contact Information
Address: 2400 W. Datsi St.
Camp Verde, AZ 86322
Phone: 928-567-1021
Community Health Representative:
Linda Rocha lrocha@yan-tribe.org
Medical Clinic Manager:
Trudy Clark tclark@yan-tribe.org
Higher Education Manager:
Lisa Sandoval lsandoval@yan-tribe.org
GOVERNANCE: The Executive branch is comprised of the Chairman and Vice Chairwoman. Each position is elected by the tribal membership to serve a three-year term. The Chairman and Vice Chairwoman are not only part of the Tribal Council, but also responsible for having direct oversight of the Nation’s departments, programs and staff. The Legislative branch is comprised of the Tribal Council. The Tribal Council is elected by the tribal membership and consists of the Chairman, Vice Chairman and seven Tribal Council members. Council members serve staggered terms. The Legislative branch is responsible for developing laws, codes and ordinances and representing the Nation. The Yavapai-Apache Nation resides in Congressional District 1; Legislative District 6.
COMMUNITY PROFILE: The Yavapai-Apache Nation is made up of two distinct people: the Yavapai, who refer to themselves as Wipuhk'a'bah and speak the Yuman language; and the Apache, who refer to themselves as Dil'zhe'e and speak the Athabaskan language.
The Yavapai were semi-nomadic hunter-gatherers, while bands of Apache hunted, fished, farmed, and traded throughout the region. Over time, Euro-American insurgency led to the forced relocation of the Yavapai and Apache to the Rio Verde Reserve, and then to San Carlos. The Nation was formed in 1934 in an effort by the federal government to establish a single tribe in the Upper Verde Valley.
The Nation is comprised of five tribal communities: Tunlii, Middle Verde, Rimrock, Camp Verde, and Clarkdale. The Tribe operates Cliff Castle Casino and Hotel in Camp Verde, Arizona.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau 2018-2022 American Community Survey, the population of the Yavapai-Apache Nation Reservation is 1,085. The following document provides a Census snapshot of the Yavapai-Apache Nation with comparisons to the state of Arizona and the United States as a whole.
Note: When interpreting data for small populations or rural areas, it is important to note the margin of error, which is provided where possible. The margin of error can be interpreted as providing a 90 percent probability that the true value lies within the estimate plus and minus the margin of error.
First Things First is Arizona's early childhood agency, providing health screenings and a variety of services across the state. Included here are their reports for the Yavapai Region.
The following reports summarize the businesses and market predictions available for the Yavapai-Apache Nation.