Mario K. Marks Traveling Scholarship Application for Intermediate School And High School

1664 E. Florence Blvd. * Suite 4-434 * Casa Grande, AZ 85122
In memory of Mario K. Marks, The Southwest Indian Agricultural Association, Inc. (SWIAA) is offering five annual scholarships in the amount of $1,000.00 each. The scholarships are available for intermediate and high school tribal groups or individual tribal students. The purposes of the scholarships are first; to increase the knowledge and awareness of the importance of Indian agriculture and natural resources within Indian country and; and second, to highlight exceptional tribal intermediate and high school programs and students in the areas of agriculture and natural resources. Programs may include but not limited to raising livestock, gardening, crop production, rangeland management, water management etc.
To be eligible for a scholarship the applicants must meet the following requirements:
1. Must be in good academic standing with the currently enrolled intermediate and/or high school.
2. Application must be submitted with the following documents and received by March 4, 2022 (No Exception).
a. Proof of enrollment in a federally recognized band, nation or tribe.
b. Two (2) written recommendations from teachers, counselors, council persons, etc. (no family members).
3. Consideration will be given to groups and individual applicants as members of a band, nation, or tribe that is represented through the “American Indian Organization” membership category of SWIAA.
4. Funds may be used to cover your costs for hotel and other transportation expense. Meals/other incidentals are the responsibility of the applicant.
The Scholarship winners will be chosen by the SWIAA Scholarship Selection Committee and will be judged on the above requirements. The scholarships will be awarded March 23, 2022 at the 34th Annual SWIAA, Inc. Conference., Wild Horse Pass Hotel & Casino, Chandler, AZ. The successful candidate(s) will be notified of the award and will be required to make a presentation at SWIAA Annual Conference (January) or at the Livestock Field days (May) if in-person meetings are allowed.
Send application to: Southwest Indian Agricultural Association, Inc.
1664 E. Florence Blvd Ste. 4-434
Casa Grande, Arizona 85122-4779
Email: or log in to the website: or Contact Trent Teegerstrom